Beetown Honey: Brand love for the bees
Beetown Honey is my family’s hobby apiary. We have a small number of hives from which we harvest and sell raw honey and all-natural wax products.
To sell our goods, we needed a logo and packaging that differentiated us from our local competitors. The labels and wraps created a professional presentation of our small-business wares, helping to sell product and creating repeat customers.
<$250/year (materials cost)
• 100% sell through of liquid honey
• 100% sell through of cut comb
• Repeat customer for wax products
• 5 star rating on Google**4.6 star when including a 1 star customer review from someone looking for a farm experience, having not read our online bio.
As this is a hobby, our marketing allows us to cover 100% operating costs with the sale of our honey and wax products.